Romanian Translation Services

Language History
Romanian, referred to as an Indo-European and Romance language has a deep history. In the 2nd century, A.D, the Romans conquered the Dacian people, under the rule of Emperor Trajan. This is what would later become known as Romania. With the Romans colonizing the area, the local population Romanized very quickly and even adopted the Roman culture. The Latin language became wide-spread, and it wasn’t until the 7th and 9th centuries, when the Slavic language started merging with that of the Dacians’. Until this very day, the Romanian language is still heavily influenced by Slavic words and pronunciations. Turkish, Hungarian, Albanian and German have also had an impact on the development of modern-day Romanian.
Where is Romanian Spoken?

Did you Know?
“Romania celebrates Romanian Language Day on August 31st!”
False Friends in Romanian and English
4 Easy Phrases in Romanian!
Population vs. Internet Penetration
Romania Population:
Internet Users:
As of 2019. Source:
Romanian Translation Tips
• In terms of personal pronouns, there are 3 different forms of politeness when referring to a second or third person – ‘tu’, ‘dumneata’ (‘dânsul’, ‘dânsa’) and ‘Dumneavoastră’.
• Remember! Unlike in English, an adjective in a sentence is placed after the noun, not before it.
• Don’t forget! Romanian nouns are divided into three gender classes – masculine, feminine, and neuter.