Italian Translation Services

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Language History

Italian stems from Vulgar Latin, the spoken language of ancient Rome, used particularly by the “less educated” citizens. Classical Latin on the other hand, was used for literary reasons. There are even several Latin words still used in Italian today like “causa” and “poeta”. As the ancient Romans conquered more areas and their empire grew, Latin became diffused and was a spoken language until approximately AD 476. It was the fall of the Roman Empire when Italian formed several dialects, like the Florentine dialect which had the most exposure in Italy. This dialect became prominent through the literary works of writers such as Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio. After socio-political events such as the unification of Italy and WWII, more and more Italians started speaking standard Italian. Until today, all regions still have their unique dialects across the country.

Get in touch

It is believed that approximately 63 million people around the world speak Italian as a first language. Another 3 million speak it as a second language!

Where is Italian Spoken?

Italy is the official language of Italy, San Marino, Switzerland, Vatican City and some areas in Croatia and Slovenia. It is also spoken in several countries worldwide including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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The longest word in Italian is the 29-letter “esofagodermatodigiunoplastica”, referring to a surgery involving removing of the stomach.

Did you Know?

Italian has some very close relatives, meaning its vocabulary is similar to other languages including French (89%), Catalan (88%), Sardinian (85%), Spanish and Portuguese (82%), and Romanian (77%).

Italian Dialects

There are around 34 native languages and related dialects in Italy.
Some of them are so different from Standard Italian that many
linguists consider them as separate languages.

  • Neapolitan  • Sicilian  • Friulian  • Catalan  • Sardinian

                                                                                              …Many more

“Italian is the official language of classical music.”

False Friends in Italian and English

Italian Translation Wrong Meaning
camera room camera
crema custard cream
morbido soft morbid
Pretendere to expect to pretend

4 Easy Phrases in Italian!

Italian English
Ciao Hello
Piacere di conoscerti Nice to meet you
Mi scusi Excuse me
Come stai? How are you?

Population vs. Internet Penetration

Italy Population:


Internet Users:




As of 2019. Source:


ECommerce in Italy has grown by 25% in recent years. Make sure your website and online services are localized to reach Italian speakers!

Italian Translation Tips

• Bear in mind that an English to Italian translation will expand in text significantly (around 30%). For this reason, consider using extra space for layout.

• Unlike English, Italian is a gendered language – be weary of suffixes!

• Italian may use the Latin Alphabet like English, but the letters j, k, w, x, and y don’t exist unless used for Latin expressions or foreign words.

• For English quotation marks ” “, << >> are used in Italian (although ” ” are also used).

Are you looking for professional Italian translation services? Get in touch with Pangea Global! We’ll hook you up with one of our professional linguists who will provide you with accurate and reliable Italian localization services, copywriting, voice overs and more!