The Translation of Onomatopoeias Across Languages
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What springs to mind when you hear “ribbit”? If you are a native English speaker, it’ll likely conjure up an image of a frog. But if your native tongue is Spanish or Korean, it’s words like “croá-croá” or “gae–cool” respectively that will bring frogs to mind instead.
These are what is known as onomatopoeias: words coined to mimic the sounds associated with the action or object they describe. From animal onomatopeias like “oink oink” to onomatopeias describing natural phenomena like “boom” for thunder, there’s thousands upon thousands of different ways that languages interpret such expressions.
However, regardless of where exactly you are located, the sounds that pigs or thunder makes remain exactly identical. So what’s up with these insane variations? Technically, it’s mostly a reflection of the language’s phonetic system. Since every language pairs sounds together in its own way, this leads to differences in how its speakers will perceive them.
Quite fascinating, right? Below you’ll find human and animal onomatopoeias and their translations in different languages, both European and Asian. We strongly encourage you to try pronouncing them out loud. Enjoy!
Animal sounds
Cat meow
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Meow, Miaow |
French | Miaou |
Spanish | Miau |
Japanese | ニャー (Nya) |
German | Miau |
Italian | Miao |
Portuguese | Miau |
Russian | Мяу (Myau) |
Chinese | 喵 (Miāo) |
Swedish | Mjau |
Dog bark
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Woof (big dogs) Yap yap (small dogs) |
French | Ouaf |
Spanish | Guau |
Japanese | ワン (Wan) |
German | Wuff |
Italian | Bau |
Portuguese | Au-au |
Russian | Гав (Gav – small dogs) Tяв, (Tyav – small dogs) |
Chinese | 汪汪 (Wāng wāng) |
Swedish | Voff |
Duck quack
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Quack |
French | Coin-coin (kwan kwan) |
Spanish | Cuac cuac |
Japanese | ガーガー (Gā gā) |
German | Quak |
Italian | Qua qua |
Portuguese | Quá-quá |
Russian | Кря (Krya) |
Chinese | 嘎嘎 (Gā gā) |
Swedish | Kvack |
Icelandic | Bra bra |
Natural human sounds
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Ha ha |
French | Ha ha Hi hi Héhé |
Spanish | Ja ja |
Japanese | ウフフ (Ufufu) |
German | Ha ha |
Italian | Ah ah |
Portuguese | Ha ha |
Russian | ха-ха (ha-ha) га-га (ga-ga) |
Chinese | Kvack |
Swedish | Ha ha |
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Smooch |
French | Bisou, Mouah |
Spanish | Beso |
Japanese | チュ (Chu) |
German | Schmatz |
Italian | Bacio |
Portuguese | Beijo |
Russian | Цмок (Tsmok) |
Chinese | 嘴嘟 (Zuǐ dū) |
Swedish | Puss |
Thinking filler sounds
Language | Onomatopoeia |
English | Um |
French | Euh |
Spanish | Eh |
Japanese | あの (Ano) |
German | Ähm |
Italian | Ehm |
Portuguese | Ah |
Russian | Э-э (E-e) |
Chinese | 那个 (Nèige) |
Swedish | Öh |