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Tag: pangea-global

Some of the Most Humorous Video Game Translations
Game Localization Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Some of the Most Humorous Video Game Translations

Video game translations are meant to convert a video game’s script from one language to another while paying attention to...
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Translating Comic Books – Borderless Storytelling
Game Localization Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Translating Comic Books – Borderless Storytelling

With the current globalization of comics, there is an increased demand for countries to translate their local comics to other...
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Alphabets – A Journey Through Written Communication
Languages Marketing Translation Multilingual Pangea SEO Translation Technology Translators

Alphabets – A Journey Through Written Communication

The modern-day Latin alphabet sits among the other 293 writing systems currently used in our world today. Each one is...
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What Are the Factors Determining the Cost of Translation?
Financial Translation Game Localization Languages Multilingual Pangea Translation Translators

What Are the Factors Determining the Cost of Translation?

When searching around for the best translation service, there are a number of factors you need to consider before you...
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Should Pidgin English Be Classed As an Official Language?
Languages Marketing Translation Multilingual Pangea Translation Translators

Should Pidgin English Be Classed As an Official Language?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “Pidgin” as a language mixing lexical, grammatical, and phonematic features of two or more languages,...
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Disney: An APAC Localization Case Study
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea Translation Translators

Disney: An APAC Localization Case Study

Disney, a name that enchanted the childhood of generations, continues to amaze the showbiz world with its incredible ability to...
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How Localization Helped Rebuild South Africa
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea Translation Translators

How Localization Helped Rebuild South Africa

South Africa, a country torn by apartheid, has phoenixed over the last decade as a market worth exploring. In this...
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Software Localization Do’s and Don’ts
Game Localization Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Software Localization Do’s and Don’ts

We live in the digital era. With AI, web, mobile apps, and DApps becoming almost indispensable to our daily life,...
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Is French Really the Language of Love?
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea Translation Translators

Is French Really the Language of Love?

For many, French is considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world, where native speakers of...
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Chinese Marketing Translation: How to Do It Right
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Chinese Marketing Translation: How to Do It Right

If there is one market that poses the greatest challenges to translation and localization, it is China. When marketing to...
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30+ Quirky British Slang Phrases that Confuse Americans
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

30+ Quirky British Slang Phrases that Confuse Americans

Who says only Brits get annoyed at the sound of certain American words or phrases? British English can every so...
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When Sign Translations Go Badly Wrong
Languages Marketing Translation Multilingual Pangea Translation Translators

When Sign Translations Go Badly Wrong

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The Grind of Arabic Localization, or Maybe Not!
Languages Multilingual Pangea Translation Translators

The Grind of Arabic Localization, or Maybe Not!

Arabic has a rich history, having undergone countless changes in the course of time. Some of these transformations date back...
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Crypto Translation, a New Type of Financial Translation?
Financial Translation Languages Multilingual Pangea Translation Translators

Crypto Translation, a New Type of Financial Translation?

Planning on starting your very own crypto project? Or maybe you’ve just ICO-ed or launched your first NFT and you...
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Why Is Legal Translation Important?
Languages Official Translations Pangea Translation Translators

Why Is Legal Translation Important?

Legal translation is perhaps one of the most challenging and rewarding (financially and professionally) translation fields. In today’s globalization context,...
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Top Americanisms the British Find Annoying
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Top Americanisms the British Find Annoying

Contemporary, modern-day UK English has come on a long journey to get to where it is today, having been influenced...
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The 5 Best Translation Apps in 2022
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translation Technology Translators

The 5 Best Translation Apps in 2022

As the world begins to recover from the pandemic, international travel is now firmly back on the agenda for many...
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23 Most Translated Books
Languages Marketing Translation Multilingual Pangea SEO Translation Translators

23 Most Translated Books

What would our world be without books, without stories? Can you even imagine? Neither can we. Today, we celebrate translation...
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SOS, Endangered Languages! How Can You Save Them?
Languages Marketing Translation Multilingual Pangea SEO Translation Translators

SOS, Endangered Languages! How Can You Save Them?

Climate change, endangered species, but endangered languages? According to the 2021 UNESCO World Report of Languages: Towards a Global Assessment...
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Discovering the Top French Phrases Used in English
Languages Marketing Translation Pangea SEO Translation Translators

Discovering the Top French Phrases Used in English

It is the world’s most commonly spoken language, but did you know that nearly 30% of all the words in...
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