Learning Languages with Gaming and The Implications for Game Creators
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To play or not to play? That’s the big question that has been pondered for at least a couple of decades with great intensity, in the context of language learning with video games.
Although considered a highly problematic activity by some, due to its highly addictive nature, gaming isn’t just for entertainment purposes – it can also act as a highly effective language learning tool.
Whether you agree that playing video games is time well-spent or not (which we hope you are), gaming makes for an extremely prevalent pastime activity. Global statistics show that there are up to 3.09 billion active gamers worldwide, and that number is only continuing to grow with every passing year.
Gamers can’t be stopped, and that’s a fact. So why not use that as an opportunity, rather than a hindrance? So, how can a language learner really develop any language skills from spending hours of their time knocking down opponents in a League of Legends game? Let’s find out.
And if you’re a game creator, you’ll want to stick around till the end, where you’ll learn how to harness video games’ potential for learning in your favour!
Learning languages through video games – Let’s talk eLearning and gamification
As the eLearning industry is continuing to expand, with a value projection of 1 trillion by 2028, traditional teaching methods are becoming a thing of the past.
That doesn’t come as a surprise given our youngest generations’ attention spans have taken a serious hit in the recent years. This has led teachers and educators to turn elsewhere for answers on how to best encourage their students to learn. And since video games, mobiles phones and the internet hold a special place in young people’s hearts, they’ve come to be considered a seriously fruitful avenue for learning.
Although eLearning comes in different shapes and forms, gamification, also known as game-based learning, is easily amongst the most popular and for good reason.