Game Translation and Localization – A Definitive Guide
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Embarking on your game localization journey soon and want to know your way around the territory? You’re at the right place.
There’s nothing more rewarding than localizing your game and overcoming all obstacles and hurdles that come along the way, to see your video game be downloaded and played (and replayed!) by millions of gamers worldwide.
However, the localization process is highly demanding and extremely time-intensive, and sometimes, you don’t even know where to start. From choosing the right regions for expansion to budgeting and the localization procedure in itself, there are many complications you’ll likely encounter before you see your game succeed.
Worry not, as in this article, we take you from A to Z and explain everything there is to know about game localization, including what it is, its benefits, all steps involved, major localization challenges and their solutions, and so much more. Read on to go from dazed and confused to a localization know-it all!
What is Game Localization?
A brief look into the history of Game Localization
Video games’ popularity worldwide and the demand for Game Localization
Top 10 gaming markets for expansion
Why is Game Localization so critical for your game’s success?
Grow your audience
See increases in profit
Create a more culturally relevant game
Establish a reputation in foreign markets
Spare your brand from embarrassment
Video Game Localization – All Steps Involved
Establish a game localization strategy
Choose your game localization team wisely
Create a style guide and glossary
Build a localization kit
Separate text from the code and use a translation management system
Automate the game localization process with translation memory
Translate and localize audio and text
Translate and localize humour
Localizing irrelevant and inappropriate references
Localizing for the audience’s preferences
Proofreading – checking for consistency
Conduct linguistic quality assurance
Integrate the translated content with your game
Transcreate your marketing materials
The Challenges of Game Localization and Potential Solutions
1. Inefficiency and lack of insight
2. Practical issues that diminish localization quality
3. Time constraints during the quality assurance phase
Make Your Game a Global Hit!