6 Benefits of Hiring Native Speaker Translators
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If there’s one thing that translation agencies frequently highlight, then that’s definitely their access to native-speaking translators of the target language. In fact, that’s one potential sign of a reliable and trustworthy translation agency.
In the translation realm, the source is the language you’re translating from, whereas the target is the language you’re translating into. For accurate and compelling translations, you ought to choose a native speaker of the target language in particular. Perfect use and understanding of the source language is nonessential, so long as the translator possesses native-like fluency.
So, while a Spanish native can accurately translate your English content into Spanish and produce a native-sounding result, the same translator wouldn’t be an ideal fit for Spanish-to-English translation. You should hire an English native translator for that. In either case, however, industry expertise is a must.
But what does being a native speaker actually entail? And why are they so important for the successful completion of your translation projects? Let’s explore some of the benefits.
What is a native speaker?
There are few differences of opinion about what constitutes a native speaker. The term is mostly used to refer to someone that acquired the language when they were little, as opposed to having learned it later in life. As they’ve had ample opportunity for exposure to their native language from an early age, they’ve likely achieved full command of the language in question.
However, other factors come into play, including where they’ve spent most of their life in, their level of familiarity with local cultural references, and their knowledge of language or even dialect-specific idioms and slang.
For example, a native speaker of Canadian English wouldn’t qualify as a native over in England, despite their ability to communicate in perfect English. That’s because the Canadian speaker would most likely be unfamiliar with local British English idioms and cultural references.
1. Native translators create more engaging translations
2. Native translators produce locally relatable translations
3. Native translators boost your content’s credibility
4. Native translators add a creative touch
5. Native translators speed up project delivery
6. Native translators ward you from legal issues
Get access to native speaker translators and industry experts
If you’re hungry to deliver a meaningful experience to your audience quickly and with style, you’re at the right place. Pangea Global’s almighty team of professional translators are native speakers of over 75 languages and experts in each and every industry they translate for.