Top 5 ICO Marketing Materials to Translate
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ICOs, or Initial Coin Offerings, have become one of the most popular ways to finance projects based on cryptocurrencies in the last few years. But have you ever wondered why certain ICOs are more successful than others? Want to know the secret?
According to the latest ITU data, the number of total individual Internet users reached about 3.5 billion in 2017, which was about 48% of the world population, compared with:
• 1 billion (15.8% of the world population) in 2005
• 2 billion in 2010 (28,9%)
• 3.15 billion in 2015 (43.2%)
The study also shows noticeable differences between regions around the world:
• Europe has the highest proportion of households with Internet access (almost 85%)
• The CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and American regions record figures well over 50%
• In the Arab States and the Asia and Pacific region, only half of households have access to Internet.
1. Your Website
Translating your ICO website is a necessity if you want to attract foreign investors. You need to provide information about your project, products/services and your team in the relevant languages of your potential investors.
Considering localization when translating your website is equally important, as it will strengthen your brand. If you adapt the message and overall feel of your site to mirror the foreign cultures you are targeting, then trust and credibility will be stronger, which will ultimately enhance and improve your international reputation. Multilingual SEO is also a great tool to improve your website’s ranking, visibility and ROI (Return-On-Investment).
The ICO industry is no stranger to scams. Build trust and offer high-value content to build trust and reliability among potential investors, the press and prospective partners.
2. Your White Paper
Alongside the website, your white paper is a vital element of your ICO, as it will offer important marketing, financial, and technological information about your project. This is what helps the investor trust in your coin before buying it.
Not only should the content be thorough, simple, and informative, it needs to be provided in your investors’ native languages. Find out what your target languages are and get your white paper translated by professionals. That way, investors can make a decision by fully understanding what’s going on and what exactly you’re offering. Professionals in financial or ICO translation will also use the correct terminology from the industry to ensure the right message is communicated.
3. Your e-Reputation: Announcing your ICO on Social Media, ICO Calendars, Blogs and More
ICO marketing in different languages is essential if you want to communicate your project across seas. As you’re probably aware, one of the most important moments when launching your ICO is making its announcement. It’s not only about the announcement itself, as a lot more work is required before that. You need to connect with your community and build noise in the crypto world.
Social Media
Using social media is a must if you want to establish a strong connection with your market and have your voice heard loud and clear. Provide your company news and announcements in the required languages to capture the attention of your followers or potential “likers” and make sure to communicate in these languages too.
Slack and Telegram
These platforms are often used to announce ICOs. These communication channels allow you to answer all the questions and clear any doubts your community might have. A good idea would be to have different channels for each language you’re targeting.
This communitarian and social network is also very popular in the crypto world. Using subreddits like “ICO announcements” or “the name of your token” can be very valuable when promoting your ICO and can easily be done in different languages. Keep in mind that Reddit can be a tricky channel if you’re not careful. Your ICO can be hit hard. Make sure to have your Reddit communication managed or functioned under the supervision of a specialist in that area.
LinkedIn Groups
Present your expertise by participating in crypto-communities online. Posts and articles on influential platforms will prove your industry knowledge and will develop trust with your investors. LinkedIn Groups are also a great way to publish your content in an effective way, as you can target thematic communities. The professional network also has crypto communities in different languages.
ICO Calendars
These calendars are great tools for your ICO although they don’t usually give you a chance to explain the benefits of your project. Still, they allow you to publish some content about the upcoming release of your tokens. There are many ICO calendars targeting different countries.
4. Explainer Videos
Explainer videos are an excellent form of publicizing content about your ICO – especially when people tend to remember 10% of what they’ve heard vs. 50% of what they’ve seen.
Videos can help you provide a quick and easy explanation of your project and give investors’ confidence in your offering. Videos are generally one of the most preferred forms of content, as most people prefer engaging, watchable and interactive content rather than reading. Catchy videos are also a great technique to reflect the identity of your brand.
Translating explainer videos is an important marketing step, as they can increase your web traffic and boost your SEO strategy in local markets. For example, if you have a video on your homepage, it makes visitors stay longer, which ultimately increases traffic time on your site and most importantly, Google loves it!
Translated videos in a complicated sector like ICO, blockchain and cryptocurrency are a huge plus as it will encourage your audience to comment and share them on their social media channels. Higher ranking and better visibility increase your engagement rate and your chance of conversions.
5. Banners
Part of your branding efforts, banner marketing helps you reach potential clients – as long as the material is effective and includes a call to action. To maximise their effectiveness, banners should be eye-catching, clear and memorable but most importantly, they need to be read by multilingual audiences if you plan on attracting international investors.