Azerbaijani is believed to be spoken by over 30 million people worldwide.

(Source: fluentin3months)

Where is Azerbaijani Spoken?

Azerbaijani is the official language of Azerbaijan; however, it is also spoken in Iran, Georgia, Russia and Turkey.


There are two varieties of Azerbaijani. Northern Azerbaijani is spoken in the Republic of Azerbaijan (in education, media, business), and Southern Azerbaijani is spoken in Iran (as a lingua franca).

Did you Know?

While the Azerbaijani lexicon is strongly related to Turkic, it also has influences from Farsi, Arabic and Russian.

“Although Azerbaijani uses the Latin alphabet, unlike

English, it is pronounced as it is written.”

The Azerbaijani Dialects

Northern AzerbaijaniAirym, Baku, Borcala, Derbend, Ganja, Karapapak, Lenkaran, Nakhchivan, Nukha, Ordubad, Qabala, Qazakh, Quba, Qyzylbash, Salyan, Shamakhi, Shusha (Karabakh), Terekeme, Yerevan, Zaqatala (Mugaly)
Southern AzerbaijaniAfshari (Afsar, Afshar), Aynallu (Inallu, Inanlu), Baharlu (Kamesh), Bayat, Karapapakh, Moqaddam, Nafar, Pishagchi, Qajar, Qaragozlu, Shahsavani (Shahseven), Tabriz

4 Easy Phrases in Azerbaijani!

Buyur! (informal) / Buyurun! (formal)Thank you!
Təəssüf edirəm.I’m sorry.
Sabahın xeyir! (informal) / Sabahınız xeyir! (formal)Where are you from?

Population vs. Internet Penetration

South Africa Population:


Internet Users:




As of 2020. Source:

Azerbaijani Translation Tips

  • There is no gender in Azerbaijani. Instead, there is one word for all: O.
  • Azerbaijani does not contain the verb “to have” or “to not have”.
  • Azerbaijani uses the subject-object-verb sentence structure.
  • There are six cases in the Azerbaijani language: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, locative, ablative.

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